Tag Archives: Social media

6 mistakes of social media marketing

Today we will be going over 6 of the most common mistakes of social media marketing. Social media marketing is a growing world and more and more businesses are diving head forward into it. Using social media will allow you to reach out to a broader target audience and create greater brand awareness. How do you know though which is best approach for you? Hopefully you’ll be in a better position after reading about these mistakes of social media marketing. 1. You need to use every social media network out there This is probably the easiest to avoid. Think about […]

mistakes of social media marketing

How to improve digital marketing results

Digital marketing is a skill that can be mastered with a lot of practice through time. To get there you can obviously go through some bad times. That means also learning how to improve digital marketing results. This is something inevitable and today we will explore eight ways to overcome them and turn them around.

Improve digital marketing

The current state of email marketing: An Infographic

What is the current state of email marketing? Has it been surpassed by newer technologies and trends? The email marketing landscape is constantly changing. Between the introduction of new anti-spam laws, more email apps, and new phones, email marketing has never presented more challenges—or as we see it, opportunities. Take a look at this infographic and find out about the current state of email marketing.  

email marketing and its uses

4 essentials for your branding strategy

Every business needs a good branding strategy, no matter the size. Branding is what gives your customers their first impression and what they can expect from you as a business. A brand isn’t just a simple logo, it is everything connected to it. Branding is image, tone of voice and more than ever a community. You can develop this in many ways, and the first obvious choice is starting with your website, leading to all digital and non digital strategies. These 4 essentials for your branding strategy will get you started whatever your business. 1. Decide the image you want […]

how to develop branding strategy

3 Ways to double your social media content – Infographic

Too often, creating social media content can seem more work than it is worth. This is especially true for start-up environments, run by busy people with more “important” things to do than post on Twitter and check on Facebook engagement levels. The following tactical methods have been proven to produce twice the amount of social media content with only half of the effort. The great thing about this approach is that higher output on social media generally produces a greater level of engagement.

improve your social media content

Keyword Density: A how to guide

The responsibility that rested on keyword density has shifted. Over 5 years, Google has changed the importance they give to keywords and the search engine algorithms now prefer we-written and relevant content. This is down to the fact that, after many studies about keyword density in on-line content, web pages with an exaggeration of keywords being repeated, were generally to be considered poorly written.

keyword density understanding

5 Key tools: Social Media for Charities

When it comes to social media for charities, they are generally in a better position than normal commercial brands. They have an enthusiastic, emotionally connected supporter base readily available, prepared to sing their praises. However, that does not mean success is to be taken for granted. With organic reach squeezed and a large number of brands scrambling for space on your news feed, it is getting increasingly hard to draw in the individuals that actually matter. That said, charities do have a hidden weapon up their sleeve. Here are The Island’s top suggestions for social media charity campaigns. 1. Create […]

social media for charities