5 Key tools: Social Media for Charities

When it comes to social media for charities, they are generally in a better position than normal commercial brands.

They have an enthusiastic, emotionally connected supporter base readily available, prepared to sing their praises. However, that does not mean success is to be taken for granted. With organic reach squeezed and a large number of brands scrambling for space on your news feed, it is getting increasingly hard to draw in the individuals that actually matter.

That said, charities do have a hidden weapon up their sleeve.

Here are The Island’s top suggestions for social media charity campaigns.

1. Create content without forgetting your followers.
It happens time and time again, charities market their new efforts while forgetting about their core supporters. Your social presence is down to their approval so they need to be treated with added care. What do we mean by this? Make sure each mention, post, photo, video, pin and so forth is noticed. The simple gesture of liking and commenting will be enough. Pair this with a quick reaction and you will guarantee yourself a very satisfied supporter. Don’t get us wrong, content is still essential for social media, but your audience is out there and needs to be engaged.

2. Tune in and listen.
Increasing your data metrics is part of the goal but in most cases it doesn’t actually pay off. Listening to your audience does. Gain knowledge by observing what your audience and supporters are doing. In the long run, analysing user generated content or accumulating mentions, will turn out to be beneficial.

3. Measure it.
It goes unsaid in 2015, nonetheless there are many brands that don’t take advantage of their ‘social’ pages and what they can do with them. Actual in depth analysis goes a long way compared to just counting re-tweets or likes. It is about getting those genuine and fundamental activities that allow you to fine tune your approach. Visits to your site are important but the most important thing is to understand who you should target.

4. Think it. Test it. Prove it.
If someone in your office comes up with a new idea, your best option is to try it. This is where social media shows its true benefits. There is no need for print runs, no model and no account office telling you that it is not advisable. Get your idea out there and see whether it proves to be any good. Few charities have broad spending plans, so this can prove to be a really useful tool.

5. Stand out.
Ask yourself what makes you special? If you are able to answer this question, gaining competitive advantage is the next easiest step. Think about what you can do no other brand can.

These are just some of our suggestions but and there are many more. To discuss bespoke social media strategies for your charity get in touch using the form below.