How to plan for digital marketing

Digital marketing isn’t as simple as one may think. To develop a plan for digital marketing a lot of time is involved and the process can be quite complex. The attention to detail you reserve to the planning process the more likely you are to get great benefits from your investment.

Starting from the basics there are so many platforms to choose from and getting this part right is fundamental. Planning is essential, it allows you to know exactly what channels and platforms you are going to use and when to use them.

Having a plan is key. If you approach digital marketing with a well-defined plan you won’t run the risk of being overwhelmed by the endless possibilities our digital world provides us with. It also allows you to analyse your environment more precisely to make positive decisions that will maximise your chances of success.

Simply answer the following:

  1. Where are we now as a business?
  2. Where do we want to be?
  3. How are we going to get there?

These three questions can prove to be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. Below we will go through them with you so you get an even better understanding of how you should plan for digital marketing.

Where are we now as a business?

This is all about who you are now. What is your business, what defines you? What are your values?
At this point you need to ask yourselves what are your current marketing efforts like. Both on-line and off-line. The best way to do so is gather all the data you can and use that to analyse the situation. Highlight what is working for you and what isn’t. Our suggestion is to do an internal and external research.

Find out what your market thinks of your business. Next look at what your competitors are doing. Direct competition influences the cost of paid advertising among many other things so having an understanding of what surrounds you and who you are competing against helps.

Where do we want to be?

Digital channels and platforms are constantly changing and as technology advances it is easy to be left behind. Make sure you are updated on all the latest trends and make sure they are relevant to your market place. Check whether your website meets Google’s latest updates, the most recent major release being Mobilegeddon.

Think about what you want to achieve with your business and set your goals and objectives.

Make sure your objectives are SMART. You have probably heard this before if you have ever followed a marketing course. It may even seem cliché. The truth is it works. The simplicity of it is its true strength. For those who do not know what it stands for, here is a breakdown.

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Realistic

T – Time bound

When working out your objectives and goals make sure they meet the SMART checklist. If any of these points is missing from an objective then at some stage you are likely to have to track back and rework your objectives. Save time by doing it immediately.

How are we going to get there?

The hardest step is implementing the strategy. After taking into account all the external influences of the marketplace and competitors it’s time to choose what channels to use to deliver your objectives. This is where data really comes into play. Most of these activities will be data driven, meaning all decisions should be made after analysing what lays behind the numbers. Make sure you don’t write off any channels simply because it isn’t delivering what you want. Many factors influence that and a possibility could be the misuse of the channels.

When looking at how you are going to achieve your objectives take into account such things as limitations of the budget, time and resources. This is where the achievable, realistic and time bound aspects come into play.

What next?

Digital marketing plans aren’t a one off job. To plan for digital marketing appropriately you need to do constant tweaking, backed by data about what your efforts are generating. A digital marketing plan is all about being agile. Stay ahead of trends and make sure you respond quickly to what is happening in your environment or surroundings. Follow your objectives and don’t be scared of readjusting them as that shows a great understanding of your business and market.

Are you ready to plan for digital marketing? Are you interested in finding out more about planning digital marketing or would you like a free business review? Click here and sign up for a FREE business review.