Category Archives: Website Design & Build

Responsive design – the benefits. Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of our responsive design series, if you missed the first post, be sure to check it out here. In this second post we will talk about some of the benefits responsive design has to offer. 1. Flexible web design No matter what device the user experience will be the same. It helps your business be recognized and to be honest people enjoy a good user experience, there is nothing worse than waiting for ever to load a page or complete a login. Happy customers definitely mean happy business. 2. Cost effective website Compare the cost of ‘owning’ one site or […]

responsive website for retail products

Responsive design – what is it? Part 1

There is a lot of buzz around about websites needing to be responsive. But what does that mean? Responsive web design is a collection of techniques that allow a website to adapt to different device specifications, such as screen size when being viewed. What it means in a more ‘practical’ way, is that, the website is able to recognize the features of the desktop, smartphone or tablet, and easily adapt to it to give an optimal user experience without limiting the functionality. The reasons for this adaptability are very clear. In the second half of 2015, and the beginning of […]

responsive website for bar chains

8 Reasons you need a digital marketing strategy

A digital marketing strategy is essential for any business that is looking to use on-line tools and platforms to grow their business. But how do you start creating a digital marketing strategy? Here is a list of 8 reasons why you should have a digital marketing strategy and some tips on how you can create your own, or refine the strategy you currently have. 8 reasons to create a Digital Marketing Strategy 1. A strategy can help you identify goals and objectives. A company with a digital marketing strategy is one with clear cut objectives when it comes to increasing their client base […]

8 digital marketing strategies

Full service brand and digital agency for leisure – restaurant, bar, hotel, cinema – brand, website, marketing, social

The Island are an established and highly experienced hands-on creative, digital design and brand leisure agency, focused in quality creative delivery and organised implementation.

We’ve helped develop brands, websites and marketing campaigns for many leisure businesses over the past 20 years.

digital agency london the island