Category Archives: Marketing

3 Ways to double your social media content – Infographic

Too often, creating social media content can seem more work than it is worth. This is especially true for start-up environments, run by busy people with more “important” things to do than post on Twitter and check on Facebook engagement levels. The following tactical methods have been proven to produce twice the amount of social media content with only half of the effort. The great thing about this approach is that higher output on social media generally produces a greater level of engagement.

improve your social media content

Keyword Density: A how to guide

The responsibility that rested on keyword density has shifted. Over 5 years, Google has changed the importance they give to keywords and the search engine algorithms now prefer we-written and relevant content. This is down to the fact that, after many studies about keyword density in on-line content, web pages with an exaggeration of keywords being repeated, were generally to be considered poorly written.

keyword density understanding

5 Tips to boost your business using Twitter

The attention social media is receiving is going to last a long time, today we will focus on Twitter. If your ultimate aim is to grow your business, and overtake your competitors, then now is the right time to master the social media platforms out there. 5 Tips to Boost your Business Using Twitter Interact with your followers Marketers have the tendency to forget that Twitter and other social media platforms are not like old school tools like TV broadcasts.  You don’t need to sell every time you publish something. If you only post links back to your own website […]

how to boost your twitter

5 Ways to gain customer trust in the digital era

In this day and age things have changed when it comes to engaging with customers. Long gone are the days when in order to build a relationship with customers there had to be a face-to-face interaction. All of these encounters have been moved to the on-line marketplace. This said relationship building is still a core business need. Here are The Island’s 5 suggestions on how to gain customer trust in the digital era. 1. Use social media to reach customers The best place to connect with fans. Consumers are getting to the point where they are used to reaching their favourite […]

gain customer trust online

How does mobile impact SEO strategy?

Marketers are continuously looking at taking advantage of the newest search engine algorithm, and search engines are implementing these changes to make it an even playing field. This creates an ever-changing environment. Mobile plays a big role in this and impacts SEO more than one would think. How does mobile impact SEO strategy? 1. Loading time plays a key role Smartphones and other mobile devices don’t have the same hardware power as a laptop or desktop computer. The next factor is that the internet connections are as fast. This all translates to the fact that a mobile website needs to load […]

mobile and impact seo strategy

SEO and Social media – Perfect digital marketing partners

If you were not aware of this yet, social media has a fairly important impact on how your SEO rankings work. The best solution to run your campaigns in the best way is to run them together in an integrated manner. In the past year Google’s algorithm updates have forced website owners to focus on producing content to earn a better ranking. Relevant and interesting content will certainly get you up in the rankings and give you decent on-line exposure. a great article, some images for an infographic will cause people who follow you to share the content and in […]

seo and social media

How to design a high-converting email newsletter

An email newsletter is a message that is sent out to subscribers typically on a regular interval. Email newsletters may be sent daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or even annually. The content of email newsletters varies with each edition. Does your business send an email newsletter? Are you stuck with getting unsatisfactory results? It could be down to the design. Today The Island will be taking you through a short list of suggestions that could improve the turnout of your email campaigns. 1. Use a familiar ‘From’ name The key to success here is to use a name that is familiar […]

ideas for better newsletters