Category Archives: Digital

The current state of email marketing: An Infographic

What is the current state of email marketing? Has it been surpassed by newer technologies and trends? The email marketing landscape is constantly changing. Between the introduction of new anti-spam laws, more email apps, and new phones, email marketing has never presented more challenges—or as we see it, opportunities. Take a look at this infographic and find out about the current state of email marketing.  

email marketing and its uses

Adaptive vs. Responsive web design

Google has always recommended a responsive web design and rolled out an important update earlier in April this year. This updates works to rank mobile-friendly sites higher based on web design. The secret behind the updated is, it doesn’t specify you use responsive designs, more that your site be accessible from mobile devices, with a good user experience and performance. Keeping that in mind what are the options available to those who are looking at starting their own site? We have already spoken about responsive design in a previous series of post – which if you haven’t read, we suggest […]

benefits of responsive web design

Keyword Density: A how to guide

The responsibility that rested on keyword density has shifted. Over 5 years, Google has changed the importance they give to keywords and the search engine algorithms now prefer we-written and relevant content. This is down to the fact that, after many studies about keyword density in on-line content, web pages with an exaggeration of keywords being repeated, were generally to be considered poorly written.

keyword density understanding

SEO and Social media – Perfect digital marketing partners

If you were not aware of this yet, social media has a fairly important impact on how your SEO rankings work. The best solution to run your campaigns in the best way is to run them together in an integrated manner. In the past year Google’s algorithm updates have forced website owners to focus on producing content to earn a better ranking. Relevant and interesting content will certainly get you up in the rankings and give you decent on-line exposure. a great article, some images for an infographic will cause people who follow you to share the content and in […]

seo and social media

How to design a high-converting email newsletter

An email newsletter is a message that is sent out to subscribers typically on a regular interval. Email newsletters may be sent daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or even annually. The content of email newsletters varies with each edition. Does your business send an email newsletter? Are you stuck with getting unsatisfactory results? It could be down to the design. Today The Island will be taking you through a short list of suggestions that could improve the turnout of your email campaigns. 1. Use a familiar ‘From’ name The key to success here is to use a name that is familiar […]

ideas for better newsletters

8 marketing trends driving the future

We are half way through 2015 and Google algorithms, content strategy and mobilisation are still the buzz words in marketing. But what trends will remain? What will be the most popular? What is the next big thing? In this article The Island wants to give you an overview of what conversations are happening in the world of marketing and what the on-line world is saying the top 10 trends will be in the coming years for marketing. 1. Mobile is going to be front and centre (more than it already is) Evolution in technology and what consumers use mobile tech […]

what is future of digital?

4 Reasons you need to partner with an agency for your SEO

While there are advantages of having in-house personnel manage your SEO campaigns, there are many more that come with partnering up with a dedicated digital agency, specialized in SEO. Here is a list of some core advantages. 1. Ongoing training and expertise. Search engines are dynamic, rankings and visibility change every time the search algorithms are updated but it can also mean new opportunities for you. Understanding this is critical to a business and its success. It is vital to have ongoing search engine marketing training. This is exactly the job a digital agency performs. They monitor and stay ahead […]

partner with agency for SEO

SEO – How it can help your business grow

As a small business or start-up the first step is to get on-line exposure. Your main goal will be to get more individuals talking and purchasing your products. It doesn’t matter how big your business is. Here is a list of reasons why you should focus your efforts on building your business through SEO. 1. More than 100 billion searches are made every month. This means that every day an average of 3.3 billion searches are performed every day. This is a huge amount of activity. Indeed, even the most modest percent would mean a huge amount of new guests […]

improve your website SEO